is rich in ancient inscriptions.They form a priceless resource for the studyof the region's cultural and linguistic heritage.Throughout the country, inscriptions were etched, engraved,pecked, or even sometimes carved in bas-relief onstones or on the rock-faces of cliffs and hills.Epigraphy is the study of such texts, the science of decipheringand interpreting them. This "virtual exhibition" presentssome examples of the Epigraphy Collectionsof the National Museum of Saudi Arabia .We present and examine 54 museum objectswhich bear examplesof ancient epigraphy. This is a small selectionfrom over 9,000 cataloguedepigraphic objects within the two relevantcollections ("Pre-Islamic Epigraphy" and "Islamic Epigraphy") of theDeputy Ministry of Antiquitiesand Museums (which includesthe National Museum as well as regional museums)..